Get SAME DAY processing and save your commute!
Do you need a Certificate of Origin for a product your business is manufacturing and/or shipping? Traditionally this process is done in-person at the Shawnee Chamber offices. However, in partnership with the American World Trade Chamber of Commerce (AWTCC), we are pleased to offer eCO-Online, our new electronic Certificate of Origin (eCO) application and issuance system.
You can now set up a login and process your electronic eCO's online right at your own desk! Your Electronic Certificates of Origin will even provide an easier and faster Customs clearance and productivity gains for your company.
Your documents will be electronically chamber stamped with a Certificate of Origin and you'll have access to other exporter related documents. The authenticity of each document can be verified by customs worldwide through the International Chamber of Commerce Accreditation Chain at www.certificates.iccwbo.org. For full document verification details visit www.CertificateofOrigin.com.
So why go electronic?
Completing your Certificate of Origin online through Shawnee Chamber helps eliminate the likelihood of errors and reduces your direct costs. Also, key information is stored, allowing for repeat certificates to be created without the need for repetitive form filling. Overall it saves you time and money!
Is there a cost?
For non-members of the Shawnee Chamber, there is a $50 fee per Certificate of Origin.
For members of the Shawnee Chamber, there is a $25 fee per electronic Certificate of Origin.
To learn more about our memberships, contact our team or you can join online today by visiting this page.
In-person Certificates of Origin are still available at the Chamber office. We encourage you to call ahead before visiting to confirm a staff member will be able to assist you. Chamber members are able to receive in-person Certificates of Origins at no cost. Non-members must still pay a $50 fee for an in-person Certificate of Origin.
Want to get started?
It's easy! You'll just need to complete this fillable PDF registration form and submit it to Marlene Shirley to request Shawnee Chamber of Commerce login credentials.
After you've signed up for your account through the Shawnee Chamber, you will then be provided login credentials by a staff member. Once you have been provided those credentials login via the portal below and set up your account. From there you will be able to submit documents for certification and thus they will then bear the seal of AWTCC, which is registered with customs authorities worldwide.
Should you ever have questions, don't hesitate to contact the Chamber offices! You can also view a helpful user guide for the eCO portal via the PDF below.